Green Day Lands on Mars: The Strange Connection Between The Band And The Insight Probe

The members of Green Day assure that the band "landed on Mars", revealing an unexpected connection with the current mission of NASA to study the interior of the red planet.
InSight probe Mars Lander entered yesterday (November 26) into the atmosphere of Mars. Now it will deploy a seismometer and bury a heat probe in the planet's core so that US space agency scientists can better understand how Mars was formed, which in turn could tell them new things about Earth.
After confirmation that the vehicle had arrived on Mars, Green Day used its official Twitter account to reveal its link to the project. "Officially we landed on Mars," they wrote. "(The phrase) 'Green Day since 1986' was recorded on a chip at @NASAInSight Mars Lander that landed today at Elysium Planitia. Out of this world".
The band included in the message a photo of the chip and the information recorded on it, where the launch and arrival sites of the landing module are mentioned, and the scheduled departure date for May 2, 2018
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