Happy Birthday Robin Zander
Cheap Trick's Robin Zander holds the distinction of being perhaps the only singer in rock history whose influence can be detected in suc

Happy Birthday Rick Nielsen
One of rock's most colorful and wacky characters is Cheap Trick's guitarist and main songwriter, Rick Nielsen. With his zany stage o

Happy Birthday Bun E. Carlos
Bun E. Carlos (born Brad M. Carlson) is the amiable and adroit drummer, archivist, and set list writer for Rockford, Illinois'...

Happy Birthday Tom Petersson
The talented Tom Petterson plays bass with those high rollers of rock, Cheap Trick. Petersson fell in with true-original Rick Nielsen...

Happy Birthday Robin Zander
Cheap Trick's Robin Zander holds the distinction of being perhaps the only singer in rock history whose influence can be detected in such...

Cheap Trick
Combining a love for British guitar pop songcraft with crunching power chords and a flair for the absurd, Cheap Trick provided the...